In this KINGDOM REEL Documentary, we follow the life of Robert Woldhuis, a Michigan native who tells his powerful story of the battles he has fought in life and the victories he achieved along the way. Roberts story gives the...
John Smith has Dr. William Revely back as his guest this week for part 2 of his story. Dr. Revely shares more stories of his life over the generations. For all KINGDOM REEL Podcast Episodes visit our website www.kingdomreel....
Pastor John W. Smith is joined on today's episode by a wonderful guest, Dr. Revely, who traveled all the way across the state to be on the show. Dr. Revely has been a pastor for decades and has many great …
John Smith's dear friend of many decades joins him on the KINGDOM REEL Podcast today. John met Brad Jamieson while he was pastoring the church on Long Island, NY. Brad and his wife Yvonne (from a previous KINGDOM REEL Podcast...
You know when you meet people how you never fully know what they've been through in the story of their lives? We all walk around with the weight of what we have experienced in the journey of our own lives, …
Join us for this weeks episode of KINGDOM REEL with our guest Yvonne Jamieson! Yvonne was on last week as well with her husband Brad and they shared their experiences and memories of being at the church with host John …
Join host John Smith as he has some very special guests this week! Brad and Yvonne Jamieson are some of John and Sue Smith's closest and long lasting friends! Listen in as Brad and Yvonne share some great memories of …
Join us for the conclusion of this six part Podcast Series where John Smith has taken us through his personal journey with one of the most painful moments of his life and how he found his way to healing and …
The process of healing and forgiveness from emotional and mental wounds takes time. Most people don't even know where to begin to forgive those who have hurt them. In part one of Journey of Healing and Forgiveness, Pastor Joh...
The process of healing and forgiveness from emotional and mental wounds takes time. Most people don't even know where to begin to forgive those who have hurt them. In the earlier parts of Journey of Healing and Forgiveness, P...
The process of healing and forgiveness from emotional and mental wounds takes time. Most people don't even know where to begin to forgive those who have hurt them. In part one of Journey of Healing and Forgiveness, Pastor Joh...
The process of healing and forgiveness from emotional and mental wounds takes time. Most people don't even know where to begin to forgive those who have hurt them. In part one of Journey of Healing and Forgiveness, Pastor Joh...
The process of healing and forgiveness from emotional and mental wounds takes time. Most people don't even know where to begin to forgive those who have hurt them. In part one of Journey of Healing and Forgiveness, Pastor Joh...
Have you ever been hurt in your life by people you considered friends? Have you ever been so wounded you don't even know where to begin to put your life back together? Join us as Pastor John Smith shares his …
Many things in life can feel very heavy to deal with at times, you might find yourself feeling weighed down, but how about pastors, ever considered how they feel in ministry? Ministry can be filled with so many incredible mom...
Many things in life can feel very heavy to deal with at times, you might find yourself feeling weighed down, but how about pastors, ever considered how they feel in ministry? Ministry can be filled with so many incredible mom...
Many things in life can feel very heavy to deal with at times, you might find yourself feeling weighed down, but how about pastors, ever considered how they feel in ministry? Ministry can be filled with so many incredible mom...
We welcome Jimmy Dodd back for the third and final episode with him. Jimmy shares the rest of his story and how going through his own personal struggles has uniquely equipped him to help others that are going through difficul...
Thank you for coming back for Part 2 with our wonderful guest Jimmy Dodd! Part 1 aired on Monday, Jan. 16, if you missed it, head to the website and listen to that one too! Jimmy dives deeper into the …
Thank you for joining us for our first week of our new format for our podcast! We are now cutting up each podcast episode into three shorter episodes through the week! Here is part one with our guest Jimmy Dodd, …
Join us for a powerful KINGDOM REEL Podcast Episode with our wonderful guest Rosine Yayrato, as she shares her true story of her personal experience with child trafficking and also being forced to be child bride. Rosine share...
Welcome to Season 2 of KINGDOM REEL Podcasts!! Happy New Year! We are so excited to kick off our new season with our special guest tonight, Pastor Gary Hankins!! Gary and host John Smith have a great conversation about the …
No matter where you start in life, you make choices along the way that will direct your path. Sometimes we are born into a great family with lots of support and still find ourselves rebelling and taking a darker path. …
Life can get really hard sometimes. Our world has been through a whirlwind of chaos and unprecedented experiences over the past almost three years. We all need some healing, hope and rest from the storms life has brought us. ...